Sunday, May 25, 2008

One Page, One Subject

Every page on your website should have one topic or subject. Let’s say you have a website about clothing accessories, one page should be devoted to belts, another to buttons and maybe another page is dedicated to scarves. Each page should be optimized with its own keywords. Your pages should have a distinct subject or product.

In short, one subject per page. You may ask why? It’s because search engines read and index each and every page of your site individually, not your website as a whole. Search engine results page (SERPS) also give you a specific page that is not necessarily your home page.

Try typing a keyword in Google Search, the result will most likely be a mixture of homepages and individual pages inside subdirectories of websites that is relevant to the keyword searched. You have to optimize each of your pages for a keyword and one keyword only. So that each of your individual pages will get into the SERPS -not only your index or homepage.

Aside from focusing on the body text on your page, make sure that your Meta Tags are also individually unique. The most important of all the Meta Tags is the Title Tag. Search engines give the most weight to your title. It is also what the engines use on the SERPS. If you don’t have a Title Tag, the first line of text on your page will most likely be used by the search engines as your title. And you wouldn’t want that, do you? Second is your Keywords Tag - don’t use the same keywords in every page of your website. The same goes with the Description Tag. You may have read many times that the Meta Tags are obsolete. But the truth is many directories and search engines still use the Meta Tags and all the major search engines still use the Title Tag. It take little effort to create Meta Tags, so don't waste one of the easiest ways to optimize your website for the search engines.

You may ask: So what if individual pages get into the SERPS? It’s because the more pages of your website gets into the SERPS, the more visitors you will likely get. And that only means one thing: More income for you.

Arnold A. Alvarez

Source: Free SEO Articles & Tips

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